How to responsibly feed homeless animals/dogs

How To Responsibly Feed Homeless Animals/Dogs? 

Homeless animals are often hungry and in need of care. Many organizations feed the homeless and needy, but feeding dogs in your locality allows you to be directly involved in helping the animals in need.

A bag of kibble. A can of wet food. A handful of treats. No matter what kind of food you choose to feed your stray animals, it’s important to remember that when it comes to feeding strays, you’re not dealing with a set of four legs but rather a set of (sometimes) complicated and unpredictable emotions.

The animal kingdom is a complex and often perplexing web of interdependent species. When a stray dog finds its way into your backyard, it’s your responsibility to determine how best to provide for its needs.

You see a homeless animal in your neighborhood. Your first instinct is to find food for it. But then you realize that you don’t know the best thing to feed a stray animal. Is it better to leave food out for the animal?

Animal lovers often find themselves in a difficult position when encountering a homeless animal. On the one hand, they want to help the animal and provide it with the food and water it needs. On the other hand, they don’t want to encourage the animal to rely on them for food and turn them into an unwanted nuisance. Fortunately, there is a way for animal lovers to provide for the needs of stray animals without causing a disturbance.

  • Remain consistent
    If you have started feeding a dog, it is better to be consistent. If you stop feeding the dog all of a sudden, then they’ll be clueless about how to feed themselves. The stray animals are dependent on you to feed themselves.
  • Feed them on the same spot every day
    Feeding the animals at the same stop every day will bring a sense of discipline. They will begin to form a routine. It helps the animals know that they will get their food on the same spot every day and automatically present themselves at the same place. 
  • Keep a bowl of water for them always.
    You must ensure that the strays are always drinking clean water. If you are keeping a bowl of water outside your house, you will have to make sure that it is clean. The water must not be cold or hot but should be at normal room temperature.
  •  Don’t add sugar or salt to their food.
    Salt and artificial sweeteners can cause life-threatening complications to animals. You must not give chocolate to your canine friends as it contains Theobromine, a harmful chemical to furry animals. It can escalate the blood pressure in the dog’s body, which could fail to function various vital organs and the nervous system.
  • Only provide boiled food to them
    We all know that stray animals need to eat to survive. But did you know that stray animals also need to eat a lot of boiled food to stay healthy? The essential part of a homeless animal’s diet is boiled food. This is because it is full of nutrients and minerals that stray animals need to stay healthy and keep them strong.

Animals are usually lactose intolerant, so avoid giving them dairy products.
Milk and other dairy products can cause gastrointestinal upset in animals. This is because animals’ intestines poorly absorb the lactose in dairy products. As a result, animals are usually lactose intolerant and can suffer from diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues when given dairy products. But people typically feed milk to the strays.

No meat for pups less than three months
You can give the meat or chicken throwaway parts to the strays. You can also purchase meat parts like lungs and chicken feet from the butcher at a lower price and give them to the strays. Make sure that you only feed these to older animals and not to the puppies, as they may not be able to digest them. The cuts can be mixed with rice and given to the strays. It will be a great source of protein.

  • Dogs love rice and curd
    Mixing curd with boiled rice is a delicacy for dogs and puppies. It is a source of protein to them and helps their digestive system work better.

Keep the area clean where you feed them. Dont leave polythenes bags or paper behind, lest someone complains. 

Feed them at a palace where you have fewer footfalls, so that it does not bother the passer-byes

Animals in our community that cannot find a home are considered stray animals. According to animal control, there are currently over 1,000 homeless animals in our community, many of which are dogs and cats. Stray animals are often hungry and thirsty, increasing their chances of contracting diseases. Feeding stray animals not only helps our community by taking care of these animals and provides us with the opportunity to adopt these animals and give them a second chance at life.

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