Should I Feed My Dog With Table scraps?

Should I Feed My Dog With Table Scraps?

It is vital to take good care of your dog’s diet in order to keep it in a healthier state. Table scraps are the most confusing topic in the dog diet, read the article to know if you can give them to your dogs or not.

It is a common sight to find your dog under the dining table sniffing all the delicious food and convincing you to feed him some. While some people are liberal enough to give some scraps to their pets, some are strict and never give table scraps to their dogs. The dogs you feed with all sorts of fatty food that humans eat are not in the best of their health. They are mostly obese; this is a condition that even the vets at My Furries do not recommend.

It is vital to pay attention to what you feed your dogs to ensure that they remain healthy and super active all the time. An obese or malnourished dog is more prone to health issues and can even catch illnesses that are tough to treat. When you give table scraps or even extra treats, for that matter, to your dog, the calorie intake rises to an uncontrolled level, leading to health issues. So does that mean you cannot ever give table scraps to your dog?  Let us find out.

Guide to giving table scraps to dogs

All of us at My Furries are pet lovers and can very well relate to you when you say you cannot resist that face that your dog makes when it wants the table scraps. But just like the human babies, you have to be cautious with these treats that your fur buddy demands. Keep these simple things in consideration while feeding table food to the pets.

Choose wisely

You would have to take care of the calorie intake of your dog in order to keep it healthy and active. Needless to mention here, meatballs and spaghetti are unhealthily high in calories and fats and can raise the total intake of your pet to a greater extent. To solve this, choose what you feed. A holiday table spread does have foods that are safe for consumption like, a little bit of cooked turkey, boiled peas and vegetables. So, the next time your dog wants some treats from the table spread, serve the healthier options.

Attention to Safety

Many families eat roasted meat during the holidays and treat their dogs with the bones at the end. Understand that just because dogs love to chew the bone doesn’t mean any bone is safe for them. Do not serve them the sharp or smaller bones to gnaw as it can lead them to intestinal blockages. It is a severe medical emergency and can turn your holiday cheer into a scary nightmare within seconds. You should be attentive if you have guests in the home for holiday dinners and ensure that nobody feeds your dog with food items that are not under the recommended list.

Calorie Check

My Furries talk a lot about the calories intake of dogs and every other pet breed. It is because, as per the studies, the majority of health concerns in pets come from uncontrolled weight. Thus, giving healthy foods also doesn’t mean you can serve them in abundance. It is a significant step to always watch for the number of calories that the dog can consume. If the limit for the day is over, no matter how strict you have to be, never feed an extra bit of food.

Foods to avoid

What is healthy for humans may or may give similar health benefits to the dogs. For example, grapes and raisins are safe for your consumption, but your furry friend needs to stay away from them. To help you figure out which foods should always stay away from your dog’s plate, we are listing them down here:

Onion and Garlic: both of these have allium, which is dangerous for the red blood cells of dogs. In the worst scenarios, it can even cause them to burst.

Raw Potatoes: it is safe to give cooked ones, but if you eat mashed raw potatoes, do not feed them to your dog.

Peaches: the peach pits can chock the dogs and lead to medical emergencies. Avoid giving this food at all costs and go for other options like raw pumpkin.

Desserts of all kinds: sweet is generally not recommended in a dog diet. If you want them to stay active and get hit by lethargy, do not serve their desserts.

These are some foods that you may find healthy, but they are not safe for your dogs. To get an even better idea, you can contact the diet experts at MyFurries and get all your queries answered.


In the end, it is fair to say that even though there are some table scraps that you can feed your dog, not everything on your table is for them. You should be super careful about the type of food, and the quantity you serve, to avoid taking risks. There is a reason why there are specialized dog foods and treats in the market. Try sticking to them and keep taking advice from your vet to keep your dog in the pinks of health and happy all the time. 

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