All You Need To Know About Neutering and Spaying of your Cat?

All You Need To Know About Neutering and Spaying of your Cat?

Dr. Harshit Saxena is a Veterinary Graduate from Veterinary College, Mathura and currently pursuing Masters in Veterinary Medicine from one of the premier Institute of Veterinary Science in India ICAR-IVRI, Izzatnagar, Bareilly. He has sound knowledge regarding Health, Management and Nutritional aspects of important Pet and Farm animals. He is also a progressive writer and has given his contributions in several magazines/journals through scientific writings. He has been felicitated with several awards and certifications pertaining to his subject at University and National Level. He is passionate for his profession and want to serve animals and mankind through whatever wits he has.

What is meant by Neutering and Spaying of Cats ? Shall I go for Neutering or Spaying my little furry baby? What are its benefits ? Are there any complications associated with the procedure ? If these questions are bothering you this blog will answer all your queries and doubts.
Reproduction and production of generations is a continuous
process in nature. Every animal reproduces to maintain its race, species and germplasm . But when it comes to pets that are indeed an integral member of our families, this complete process of Reproduction becomes cumbersome in settings of a household and not only this it sometimes harms welfare interests of our pets too. Thus necessary checks are required to intervene this process of reproduction when it is not needed. To manage the consent concept of Neutering / Spaying is adopted.

What is meant by Neutering and Spaying of Cats?
In simple words when we say Neutering it’s removal of Male
Reproductive organ ‘Testes’ of male Cat (Tom) while Spaying is a procedure in which female Reproductive organs that are ovaries and uterus are removed. Removal of organs is done by operative procedures. However it’s not always about removal of organs there are some methods in which only functioning of Reproductive organs of Cat is terminated and Reproductive organs are not as such removed eg Chemical Neutering / Spaying .

Why should I go for Neutering or Spaying of my Cat ?
It is one most commonly asked question of Pet parents who are new to parenting of cats. Neutering and Spaying your cats render them sterile and they are thus not able to produce further offsprings. So the question arises Just to prevent them to breed and stopping them to produce further generations are aims of these procedure? The answer is ‘No’. Indeed Neutering and Spaying comes with array of benefits as listed below

1) Population Control One of the most important reason as mentioned above is Population control. By Neutering / Spaying your cats you can prevent them from undesirable breeding which otherwise will lead to production of population of kittens that may create nuisance and it becomes difficult for Pet parents to manage same. Finding home for new kittens is challenging for Pet parents in response to which these newly born kittens may not get proper care and may be succumbed to death sometimes.

2) Control on aggressive behavior Neutering reduces aggressive behavior of Toms. That include both aggression among fellow Cat mates and also with family members of the house including children.

3) Termination of sexual urge in Toms intact Tom (Non Neutered Male Cat) in search of his mate roams around,even they can escape from your house this would result in accidents and casualties. Neutering toms terminate this
behavior of them and prevent them of becoming victims in accidents.

4) Preventing urine spraying by toms Intact toms have behavioral attribute to mark there territory by spraying urine. This will hamper cleanliness of premises of a house and is something undesirable to pet owners.
Neutering toms reduces this behavior and allow them to be better accepted by people.

5) Avoiding unwanted behavioral changes in female Cats during heat period An intact Queen (NonSpayed Female Cat) comes to heat for four to five days after every three weeks during its breeding season. During this time she becomes highly vocal, sprays urine hither and thither around the house, raises her back and also attracts/ invites Toms from your neighborhood and even stray ones to mate. These all activities become annoying for Cat owners and thus to control these behavioral changes Spaying is suggested after which cyclicity and accompanied behavioral changes ends completely and it becomes easy for Pet owners to live in harmony with the Cat.

6) Avoiding pregnancy related problems As Spaying renders female Cat sterile thus neither pregnancy nor complications associated to it like abortion, problems in delivering kittens etc. happens. Thus undue sufferings to Cat that may otherwise happen in complicated pregnancy
can be avoided.

7) Lowers risk of certain health issues
Neutering Male cats reduces risk of development of testicular disease and prostate tumors that can even be cancerous. Spaying female Cats avoids the risk of development of Pyometra a disease in which the uterus of Cat becomes infected and filled with pus this disease can be even fatal otherwise. It is also seen that Spaying lowers risk of development of mammary tumors by 90% in cats. Incidence of Diseases like Feline leukemia and Feline AIDS that spreads from one cat to other during biting can be reduced as cats become less aggressive with these procedures and biting behavior is controlled.

8) Animal welfare issues Uncontrolled breeding will lead to increase in population of cats that may eventually become homeless, get starved of food , create human animal conflict and may even die due to lack of proper
management and care. Thus to safeguard welfare interests of cats Neutering and Spaying are also suggested.

9) Healthier , Happier and Long lives to Cats It has been seen that Neutered/ Spayed cats experience happier, healthier, and longer lives than intact ones.

What should be the ideal time for the procedures to be done ?
Generally it is suggested that Cats should be Neutered or Spayed before reaching to sexual puberty. Ideal time for Neutering/ Spaying is 5 months of age. This procedure which is done before 6 months of age is called as Pediatric Neutering/Spaying. However, when performed after 6 months of age either as a emergency surgery in any disease condition or deliberately late by pet parents is referred to as Adult Neutering / Spaying.
Which is better Pediatric or Adult Spaying / Neutering?
Veterinarians always suggest Pediatric Neutering / Spaying that is before 6 months of age preferably at 5 months of age. Pediatric procedure is more common as well more suggested because it is easy to operate young cats with lesser sufferings and better recovery after surgery. For Adult animals when these procedures are carried in response to any disease like uterine infections etc. they more complicated and also more cost inclusive.

How can I get my Cat Neutered or Spayed? What is the procedure?
These procedures must be strictly carried out by a registered Veterinary practitioner. It is never suggested to go to breeders or unqualified personals for carrying out these procedures.

About procedures that are opted to Neuter / Spay Cats they are basically of 2 types

1. Surgical procedure It’s very simple procedure in which through small incision Reproductive organs are removed.

2. Chemical procedure Involves multiple doses of certain drugs that eventually disrupts the functioning of Reproductive organs.

Which is the best procedure to be opted ?

Surgical procedures are always suggested because these are best in terms of efficiency and do not have any side effects on normal physiology of Cats. Chemical procedures are not much efficient and chances of failure exists. Surgical intervention is just one time procedure. However, in chemical procedures multiple therapies are involved and it requires Pet parents to visit doctor again and again.

What are preoperative requirements before surgery?
You must fast your Cat or kitten a night before surgery. However, in case of kittens quarter of total daily amount of one time meal can be given atleast 5 hours before surgery. Watering to Cats or kitten can be done upto 34 hour before surgery. You can train you Cat to sit in a crate or small
enclosure days before surgery as it would help them to adapt better for same which is mandatory after surgery.

How should I do post operative care of my Cat after surgery ?

Administer all medicines timely as what suggested by your doctor

Care of sutures at site of operation is must as cats may scratch the area and remove them. For it they must be suggested of Elizabethan collars and also their motion must be controlled by keeping them in crates or small enclosures.

Visit the Veterinary doctor for followup on time as what suggested by him, if dressing of surgical site is suggested it should be regularly done.

Are there any possible complications related to procedures?

There are no major complications of the procedure. Your Cat will have no negative effect on it’s physiology. These procedures are absolutely safe and confer better quality of life
to your loving ones.

Are there any drawbacks of the procedures too?

Some reports tell that these procedures may augment weight of males and may increase incidence of certain diseases like lymphosarcoma, mast cell tumor, hemangiosarcoma, hip dysplasia but there are no significant evidences for them. On
contrary it is seen that the health benefits a cat have after Neutering or Spaying are always of much value.

Shall I go for Neutering / Spaying or not?‘The decision’

It is always recommended to Neuter / Spay your Cat. It is internationally and unanimously accepted fact around the globe that Cats if not intended to mate and reproduce must be Neutered / Spayed . So if you are not planning to have kittens from Queen or have no such objectives like using Tom for breeding purpose we suggest you to get them Neutered / Spayed.

Among various managemental aspects Neutering/ Spaying are one of the most formidable procedures that a cat parent must be acquainted with. They certainly comes with health benefits to Cats and increase their longevity and provide the be with health benefits. As parenting an animal always needs a harmony to be established between humans and animals these procedures play indeed an important role in establishing same. We hope this blog is successful in conveying all answers to your questions and now you can diligently decide to Neuter /
Spay your Cats.

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