How To Take Care Of A Dogs Paws In Winter

How To Take Care Of A Dog’s Paws In Winter?

This article mentions details on how you can ensure your dogs’ well-being and cleanliness. You will also see how to keep your dogs away from many diseases.

You all know that dog’s paws are on their feet. The soft pads available in the market for dogs are used to protect their bones and joints. You all know that foot care is critical for every creature on this planet. So, it becomes an essential caring part for your pet dogs. Dogs suffer from blisters or torn paw pads and maybe from injury, which is very painful and can get infected. Sometimes the dogs lick at the irritation part making it more susceptible and vulnerable to skin diseases.  As pet owners, you must ensure that your pets’ nails are trimmed.

The dog’s paws are made up of living tissues and have more cuts and other injuries. Therefore, you must examine your dog’s paws from time to time. Early detection of any issue reduces the suffering and pain of your pets.

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You must also keep away the excess fur between their toes. This helps them to be clean and groomed. This also keeps the dirt away from them and helps maintain their good health.  You must also ensure that the dogs wear their booties when going outside in the winter. 

The fur on the dog’s paws must be short, and they provide more traction for the dog on slippery surfaces. Dogs can chew their feet if the dirt is present in their legs. Clippers must be used for trimming the paw pads of the dogs.

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You must also ensure that you wash and dry your dog’s paws after every trip outside. You will be able to clean and remove dirt balls deposited between the dog’s paws during the stroll. Sometimes pebbles also get stuck in the dog’s paws. Even dog’s paws wax can be used in case of non-availability of booties. But booties are recommended for better safety.

You also know that hair on a dog’s paws remains damp for a longer duration and causes fungal infections. It will be very tough to deal with it. Therefore, prevention is always better than cure. However, if you are able to eliminate the cause of the trouble, it will help us and keep your dog happy and satisfied.

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You should moisturize your dog’s paw pads. This will heal cracks, peelings, or drying of the skin. You should avoid using human moisturizers. You must use moisturizers specially designed for canine paws. This will ensure their paw’s safety even if they are walking on rough or terrain surfaces.

You should also note that your dog does not start licking or chewing his paw pads, which is the beginning symbol of any irritation.

Exercise is also an important part of the daily routine of the dogs. Let’s start to ensure the safety of the pets. Exercise should be regular and correct as too much exercise can damage the dog’s paws. Also, terrains can be varied along with the length of the walk distance.

Safety measures:

One should not use scissors while grooming dogs. This can cause injury to the dogs. Instead, use proper tools and correct techniques because this will make your dog comfortable. Dogs are sensitive and wiggly for their paws.

In case of an injury, you must contact your veterinarian and take proper medication to avoid further infection. You should also use professional service in this regard to ensure the appropriate safety of your pets.

Keep an eye on nearby objects while taking dogs for a stroll. There can be sharp objects like broken glass or nails. You should take care of the walking path of your dogs. These objects can hurt your pet paws.

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