Nutritional requirement

Homemade balanced diet for my puppy in 2023.

As a puppy owner, one of the most important things you can do to ensure the health and happiness of your furry friend is to provide them with a well-balanced diet. While it may be tempting to rely on commercial dog food, making balanced meals can give you greater control over the quality of the ingredients your puppy consumes. In this article, we will discuss how to create a homemade balanced diet for your puppy and how often you should feed them at different stages of their development.

Creating a Homemade Balanced Diet for Your Puppy

Before we dive into creating a homemade balanced diet for your puppy, it’s important to understand what nutrients your pup needs to grow and thrive. A balanced diet for a puppy should include the following:

  • Protein is a crucial component for repairing and building tissue, as well as promoting healthy coat and skin.
  • Fats play an important role in providing energy, insulation, and aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Carbohydrates serve as a source of energy, essential nutrients, and fiber.
  • Vitamins and minerals are essential for various bodily functions, including bone growth, immune function, and digestion.

When creating a homemade balanced diet, the key is ensuring that your pup gets all of these essential nutrients in the right proportions.

Choose high-quality ingredients

When making homemade meals for your puppy, using fresh, high-quality ingredients is important. This includes lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, or beef and healthy fats such as fish oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots can provide carbohydrates, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Pay attention to portion size.

Puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs, so paying attention to portion size when creating meals for them is important. A good rule of thumb is to feed your puppy 2-3% of their body weight in food per day. For example, if your puppy weighs 10 pounds, it would need 3-6 ounces of food daily.

Consult with your vet.

Before making any major changes to your puppy’s diet, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you determine the right amount of food for your pup and provide guidance on specific nutrient requirements based on their breed, size, and age.

Homemade balanced diet recipe for your puppy

Recipe 1: Chicken and Brown Rice


  • 1 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1 cup cooked and shredded chicken
  • 1/2 cup cooked peas
  • 1/2 cup cooked carrots
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp calcium supplement


  1. Cook the brown rice.
  2. Cook the chicken and shred it.
  3. Cook the peas and carrots until they are tender.
  4. Mix the cooked brown rice, shredded chicken, peas, and carrots in a bowl.
  5. Add the coconut oil and calcium supplement and mix well.
  6. Serve in small portions, depending on the size and age of your puppy.

How often should you Feed Your Puppy?

In addition to providing a well-balanced diet, it’s important to consider how often you should feed your puppy at different stages of its development. Here are some general guidelines:

0-3 months

Puppies in this age range should be fed small, frequent meals throughout the day, as their stomachs are still developing. Aim to feed them 4-6 meals daily, each containing about ¼ to ½ cups of food.

3-6 months

As your puppy grows, you can reduce the number of meals they receive daily. Aim to feed them 3-4 meals daily, each containing about ½ cup of food.

6-12 months

By this point, your puppy’s stomach should be fully developed, and it can be switched to two meals daily. Each meal should consist of about 1 cup of food.

1 year and older

Adult dogs typically only need to be fed once or twice daily, depending on their size and activity level. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of food and feeding schedule for your dog.


Providing a well-balanced diet is essential for the health and happiness of your puppy. Using fresh, high-quality ingredients and paying attention to portion size, you can create homemade meals that meet your nutrition goals. It’s also important to note that feeding your puppy consistently can help their digestion and prevent them from overheating.

Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your puppy’s diet or feeding schedule. They can guide your puppy’s best feeding practices based on their needs and health status.

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