Training your pets specific behaviors is a life-saving skill.
Essentially training your dogs also means training their humans as they need first to understand how their dogs respond to the environment and what it means for them.
Dog training includes teaching a dog to react to specific commands and cues and act independently by deliberately changing its natural behavior.
Dogs were traditionally trained to perform many functions, including search and rescue, herding livestock, guarding, explosive or drug detection, disability assistance.
Dog training usually involves basic obedience training that includes:
Teaching the dog to come on command
Teaching the dog to sit on cue
Teaching the dog to stay put
Teaching the dog not to be aggressive to humans, other dogs, or other animals.
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You can start training your puppy at the age of 12- 14 weeks .The sooner you start the better it is.
Puppies interact with the world through their nose and mouth. Its there way of exploring things. They need to taught an alternate way to interact with humans
Start training them ealry , take them out for bath room breaks after every two hours and immedialtly after eating a meal. Consistency is the key here . Slowly and gradually they will realise that they need to go out to releive themselves
Yes they can be, can be trained to do almost everything a dog can. The key differentiator will be what you use to train your cat, since they often have different motivations than dogs.
Its takes a bit of practice by both the dog and their humans. when your dog starts pulling, take steps backward (do not jerk on the leash), in the opposite direction your dog is going. When he turns around and comes back to your side, proceed forward. This teaches your dog that he is not going to get what he wants by pulling, but by staying by your side